You are about to discover a process that will guide you to the life you are meant to live . . .
Perhaps difficulties you experienced in your life are still holding you back.
Maybe you need to breakthrough inner barriers – obstacles – that have blocked your path.
There is hope . . .
The pathway to become vital and transform your mindset is just ONE CLICK away.
This process can lead to such a transformation; you may wake up each morning feeling an intense purpose and power.
If you are not ready to create the most amazing authentic life of joy, peace and success – that’s alright.
Yet . . .
Imagine starting your day with the knowledge of exactly what to do with an unmistakable sense of purpose.
Maybe you’re thinking – “Gee-whiz, how can I find the time for a process, when I have enough trouble just getting through one day?”
Or worse. “Is this going to have a test?”
I assure you, there are NO tests, papers to write, or speeches to prepare . . .
Perhaps you are afraid you will have to commit to years worth of training.
Well, there’s no magic potion or twitch of the nose, to make your life the incredible, magnificent experience it has the potential to become.
But I would like you to consider this:
Imagine the birthday wish you make as you blow out the candles each year.
Is there something you’d wish for? What would you want?
OR consider . . .
If you could choose to do anything you wanted to do, what would that be?
How much free time do you want?
Are you concerned about your next move in your career?
Have you envisioned starting a business?
Do you wish you could have your creativity earn more?
“Oh, so many questions,” you say, “This is overwhelming!”
I understand your predicament and pain.
How would your life be different if you had less fear? What if you had confidence to live each day in a truly satisfying, purposeful way?
Perhaps you’d never get overwhelmed by situations.
Perhaps you’d move to a different part of the state, country, or place in the world.
Maybe you would take a chance on a project you’ve been meaning to start: garden, book, travel, painting, music, new language.
Maybe it’s time to get the courage to LEAVE: Leave the negative environment, the abuse, the job that has you feeling unappreciated.
Perhaps you are ready to do something for YOU, instead of for everyone else AND experience an amazing adventure still to come in your life.
Take a moment to think about this, because my students and clients create massive changes, and you’ll begin to experience the same possibility.

I’m referring to Affirmation.
This is the access point to create transformation in your life – a seed of something big. If you still feel there is a “barrier” that’s okay. Really, it’s not your fault. It’s just that you haven’t had someone support you and show you EXACTLY WHAT STEPS TO TAKE to begin creating big changes in your life – someone to take you by the hand and walk you into your own experience of true personal power.
How do I know this for sure?
My Personal Predicament
“You’re a Freak!” That’s what I heard from the person who I trusted with my heart, head … and bank account.
You see, ever since I can remember, I didn’t fit in … I attended all my classes (never played hooky). I respected authority positions. I chose to study, paint or practice instead of drink and party. I didn’t have much street-wise knowledge. I had been admired and respected throughout my life but not particularly popular.
I grew up in a small community. Both my parents were music teachers as well as 2 siblings. I chose to go a slightly different direction and study art education. The disciplines of art and music are actually quite different, yet both require ongoing practice for improvement. There was a time when I was so insecure about my music abilities that I would only practice my instrument when everyone was out of the house. I was in my mid 30s before I was comfortable and confident while performing.
When I taught art, I had the privilege of working with age 4 – 80 year old students. Apparently, my students were so satisfied with my instruction that several remained with me for over 10 years. In fact, one art student studied with me for 14 years! It became obvious that my role was more than a teacher – but rather, that of a MENTOR.
No matter what size group I scheduled, each student felt comfortable to share personal information of their struggles and triumphs. They anticipated that their study of art would somehow transform them in a manner more than simply learning the skill of drawing.
“OK, Marti, but how will you be able to transform ME?
At this point . . .
I decided to use my skills and experiences to unlock the door to freedom and guide people to the outside – a place of infinite possibilities.
Now here I am today as a Masterpiece Mentor
You are invited to discover your inner masterpiece, find your purpose, let y
our soul sing a Song of Success.
What can you expect from the Creative Coaching program?
You get clarity of your priorities and purpose
You make choices about what will stay – what will go
You discover ways to handle circumstances that emerge daily
You learn to say NO to things, activities, behaviors that don’t resonate for you
You say YES to create a new direction
You gain courage to accomplish what you start
You will receive a simple to follow process – step-by-step guide that assists you on your amazing life journey to wholeness.
“Umm, I’m not sure I’m ready,” you say.
The biggest challenge you will ever make is the courage to say “Goodbye” to your former ways of thinking and doing.
Imagine the confidence there is in understanding that you are as unique as a snowflake, as vital as your heartbeat, and one-of-a-kind as your fingerprint.
I’m not suggesting you should quit your day job and move to a remote island, build a tent from fallen tree branches, and drink mango juice to cleanse your body while meditating for several hours a day. NOPE – You can start right where you are. You ARE enough — just as you are.